Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jonathan Garcia: INTERNview

Tell us a little about yourself.
I'm a senior from Highland, Utah. I have very much enjoyed my time at BYU in the American Studies major because it has afforded me flexibility and rigorous training. I like poetry, old movies, Cafe Rio pork burritos, and playing soccer.

Future career plans. Go on; dream big.
This fall I will apply for the joint JD/MBA program at BYU and a few other schools.  Combining the excellent legal training and leadership skills that this degree offers will open numerous doors to me if I want to continue in either field. I think it would be great to be a judge, author, professor, poet, business owner, translator, world-changer, etc.

Where did you intern?
I interned through the Utah State Legislature Internship. It started on the 23rd of January and ended on the 8th of March. 
How did you learn about this internship?
I actually was walking down the into the computer lab of the SWKT were they have a large plasma screen T.V. and there was an advertisement there about the internship.  I didn't really pay too much attention to it.  Then a friend in my ward was telling me about how her father was in the legislature and so I got interested in it and looked it up.

How did you like interning locally?
One of the downers of the internship--I spent roughly 2-3 hours commuting each day.  Luckily we were provided bus passes.  It just turned out to be a 10-12 hour day which was taxing.

What were three things you enjoyed most about your internship?
Contrary to what the Salt Lake Tribune and other news media outlets imply, the legislators are fantastic people.  They sacrifice a lot to serve their state and country.  The friendship and professional atmosphere that I enjoyed while working for two legislators was excellent.  I loved how the internship was a hands-on crash course in politics.  I also appreciated being surrounded by successful lawyers, lobbyists, judges, business people, and talented staff.  It was a great to be exposed to so many different types of professionals, especially as I am exploring my own possibilities.

What were two valuable skills you learned/developed during your internship?
I learned how to succinctly and interestingly present bills because I hosted over 150 different kids over the course of 7 weeks at the capitol.  Explaining to them the legislative process reinforced my own ability to present complex information in a simple and engaging way.  I also learned how to behave in a professional manner; that included learning how to email, setup appointments, and execute urgent tasks for my legislators by working closely with staff.

I can't travel without _a notebook and pen_.

The next place you would like to travel.
Spain!  I am considering applying for a study abroad this summer; if I can get funding for it, I'm gone.  It's a creative writing study abroad where I'll be exposed to the enchantment of the Mediterranean and I'll be able to see the history and culture of Spain.  Somewhere down the line, my family history tree has some roots in Spain.

I always _write in my journal_ before I go to bed.

Favorite diet soda.
Diet Coke

Advice to students looking for internships.
Don't give up, think small, or believe funding isn't available.  Through diligence and research, I was able to find this great internship and $1000 funding for it.  But if something you are interested in doesn't offer money, still try it out.  There's nothing like experiencing the world through applying all the skills you've gained at BYU.  All the applications, and letters of recommendations, etc. are well worth the effort.

American Studies _rocks_.

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