Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Alisa Hardy: INTERNview

Tell us a little about yourself.
I am a Senior at BYU, graduating in American Studies with a minor in Latin American Studies. I love my major! I have taken classes mostly in History, Political Science, and Religion. I served a mission in Chile, and love speaking Spanish. I like playing the piano, riding motorcycles, and traveling.

Future career plans. Go on; dream big.
I will be starting BYU's MPA program in the Fall. I hope to emphasize in Local Government Administration, and work with policy concerning Latinos in the United States. I want to apply what I have learned as an American Studies major by bettering the community around me.

Where did you intern? How long?
 I interned with the LDS Church Historian, Rick Turley. I am a research intern for a book he is writing about an early church leader, Theodore Turley. I comb through all journals available from the Nauvoo time period, trying to find references to Turley, and contextual information to include in the book. I started in December, and the internship will officially end in April. However, I will continue working on the project as long as I am in Utah.
How did you hear about this internship?
The co-author of the book was in a class of mine, and we became friends. We started talking about the idea of working together, and Dr. deSchwienitz encouraged making it an  internship.

Favorite diet soda.
Haha. Grape Juice.

I can't travel without _books and snacks_.

I always _fall asleep_ before I go to bed.

Advice to students seeking internships.
Be proactive! Internships are incredible, but you have to seek them out.

Describe two skills you gained/developed while interning.
I learned how to work independently, and have integrity in my work ethic. I also learned how to manage my time more effectively, and identify relevant information.

In 2015 you will be...
Finishing graduate school, in debt, and hopefully more confident about my future than I am now.

American Studies _is the best major on campus  !

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