Monday, November 24, 2014

New Internships!

We have some excellent internship news for you this week—both in terms of preparation for internships and actual internship opportunities.
First, there is a new internship prep course offered under HCOLL 395R Section 2. It will be offered during winter, second term, on Thursdays from 5-6:50 p.m. This class will introduce you to the seven professional competencies MSU has identified as essential for new hires. It will also help you identify, develop, and implement specific behaviors that will improve your internship experience.
Second, Utah State Legislature is looking for interns. They've allocated more spots for BYU students than ever before, so the application deadline has been extended (the form can be foundhere). This excellent program is open to students from all majors, although you must have a minimum 2.7 GPA and be a junior or senior to apply, unless you are a sophomore with military, mission, or relevant employment experience. Students will receive a $2,400 stipend, 5-14 political science credits, and up to three internship credits from other disciplines for their fulltime work from January 5-March 12, 2015.
For additional information about the program see the web site here. Contact the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences internship office (801-422-2168or in 945 SWKT.
Third, on campus internships are back! This winter semester they will have over one hundred project available. If you register, you'll be one of more than five hundred students receiving three credit hours while also applying the skills you've learned in class, learning about the job market, and building a killer resume. To learn more, get a complete list of available projects, or to apply, go this website. After you've applied, register for Bus M 494R sec 1, or one of the specialty sections, such as Fin 487R.
Happy Thanksgiving week! Eat lots of turkey.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

New Internships!

Springville Museum of Art
The Springville Museum of Art is offering internship opportunities for students and graduates in the fields of  curatorial studies, graphic design, education, and communications. Application deadline is Nov. 21 for winter semester. Click here for more information and to apply.

Social Innovation Projects Internship
The Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance is offering on-campus internships in social innovation projects. Make an off-campus difference by participating in one of these on-campus internships. Apply at

Friday, October 3, 2014

BYU Museum of Art: Curatorial Assistant

The BYU Museum of Art is interested in hiring an outstanding Humanities student to work as an curatorial assistant. This would be a paid internship at the museum, requiring a fifteen hour work week. The student would assist curators with research, writing, and other related tasks.

For more information, including how to apply, click here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Joseph Smith Project Internship

"The BYU History Department has formed a partnership with the Joseph Smith Papers Project at the Church History Library to provide them with 8-10 interns each semester to assist in their production of their multi-volume publication, which is projected to take another ten years to complete. Interns at the JSP get actual hands-on experience with documentary editing tasks such as document transcription, transcription verification, preparation of documents for web publication, research for document annotation, back matter preparation, and source checking, among others. We are also trying to recruit 1-2 students to work with the Historic Sites Division at the Church History Library to help with their research of historic sites and landmarks relevant to Church history. While we have typically drawn our pool of interns from our own department, we would like to open up this opportunity to majors in related fields. The internship is administered through the History Department and students are required to register for History 199R.  I hope that this class can still be counted toward your student’s majors electives as well. Attached is a description of the internship.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

American Studies Closing Social

Closing Social! 
You’ll never wish you were somewhere else.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
@theGrassyhill below the Clyde Building

Don’t miss out on…
Ice Cream Sandwiches

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jonathan Garcia: INTERNview

Tell us a little about yourself.
I'm a senior from Highland, Utah. I have very much enjoyed my time at BYU in the American Studies major because it has afforded me flexibility and rigorous training. I like poetry, old movies, Cafe Rio pork burritos, and playing soccer.

Future career plans. Go on; dream big.
This fall I will apply for the joint JD/MBA program at BYU and a few other schools.  Combining the excellent legal training and leadership skills that this degree offers will open numerous doors to me if I want to continue in either field. I think it would be great to be a judge, author, professor, poet, business owner, translator, world-changer, etc.

Where did you intern?
I interned through the Utah State Legislature Internship. It started on the 23rd of January and ended on the 8th of March.