Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Joseph Smith Project Internship

"The BYU History Department has formed a partnership with the Joseph Smith Papers Project at the Church History Library to provide them with 8-10 interns each semester to assist in their production of their multi-volume publication, which is projected to take another ten years to complete. Interns at the JSP get actual hands-on experience with documentary editing tasks such as document transcription, transcription verification, preparation of documents for web publication, research for document annotation, back matter preparation, and source checking, among others. We are also trying to recruit 1-2 students to work with the Historic Sites Division at the Church History Library to help with their research of historic sites and landmarks relevant to Church history. While we have typically drawn our pool of interns from our own department, we would like to open up this opportunity to majors in related fields. The internship is administered through the History Department and students are required to register for History 199R.  I hope that this class can still be counted toward your student’s majors electives as well. Attached is a description of the internship.